Your Storied Past Genealogy LLC Privacy Policy/Terms & Conditions

Your Storied Past Genealogy LLC respects the privacy of clients and website visitors. The very minimum of personal data is collected to protect your privacy and it is only used for the purpose intended—to contact you.

Personal information

  • Your Storied Past Genealogy LLC will not use or share your personal information (email address, phone number and mailing address) for uses except those agreed upon. Any personal information that you provide will only be used to contact you.
  • You will not receive marketing mailings unless you request such mailings. You can always opt out by emailing us at .
  • Your email will not be forwarded without your permission.

What Your Storied Past Genealogy cannot assist with:

We are not a detective agency. Your Storied Past Genealogy LLC does not research living people or do research for citizenship applications or legal matters.

Site Use

No part of this website (including photographs) or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted. Thank you.

Your Storied Past Genealogy LLC respects the privacy of clients and website visitors. The very minimum of personal data is collected to protect your privacy and it is only used for the purpose intended—to contact you.

Website analytics

The Your Storied Past Genealogy LLC website uses Google Analytics to collect data about visitor behavior. This information is anonymous and does not record personal information.

Using Google Analytics allows Your Storied Past Genealogy LLC to see how the website is found, what topics visitors are interested in, and which site pages are visited frequently. The information is used for website optimization and to offer a better user experience.

Learn more about Google Analytics and privacyand Google Cookies Policy & Terms . Thank you.


© 2021 Your Storied Past Genealogy LLC. All rights reserved.